After the Editorial Board has received the manuscript and determined that the manuscript meets the formal elements for publication, it will send the manuscript to the so-called review process, „double blind (anonymous) peer-review“.
All papers will be subjected to an obligatory anonymous review procedure. The manuscript will be sent to two anonymous reviewers (experts on the topic of the proposed manuscript) who do not know each other and who will then analyse the manuscript. The author of the manuscript does not know the identity of the reviewer.
At the reviewer's suggestion, the positively graded manuscript is classified in one of the following categories:
a) Original scientific paper,
b) Preliminary communication,
c) Review paper and
d) Professional paper
a) Original scientific paper - contains the data not yet published of the scientific research;
b) Preliminary communication - scientific paper which contains new results of scientific research which require quick publishing.
c) Review Paper - a concise and complete critical presentation of the research area or part of it without significant authenticity;
d) Professional paper - contains useful contributions from certain profession, it needn't represent the original research, nor have the scientific characteristics. It gives suggestions for the application of the results of previous scientific research and seeks to solve an important practical problem.
In case that the reviewers do not agree on the evaluation, i.e., categorization of the work as scientific, a third evaluation of the reviewer outside the author's institution is required. The final decision on the categorization of manuscripts is made by the Editorial Board, guided primarily by the evaluators' assessments.
Only categorized papers that have at least two positive reviews are published.
If the article is not accepted, the Editorial Board sends a notice to the author.
Papers that have not been submitted in Croatian are published in the original language by following the spelling of that language, with the content and summary of the paper in Croatian or English language. Author is obliged to provide official confirmation that the text is proof – read and they are responsible for the overall content.